Aging Parent? What You Need To Know Before You Need To Know

Aging Parent? What You Need To Know Before You Need To Know

It is hard to imagine the tables turning and taking care of your parent after they have taken care of you for 18 or 30 or 45 years. For me, the time came 15 years before I was prepared, and I know I am not alone. When the time comes, will you be prepared? You may be...

D*@$% (Death) Happens!

D*@$% (Death) Happens!

Unknown: not discovered, explored, identified, or ascertained. The unknown opens the door to fear. It can cause apprehension, anxiety, and the...

Aging in Place Gracefully

Aging in Place Gracefully

Let’s get real! Aging is a natural part of life. As much as we might want to remain youthful and healthy forever, we must recognize this may not be...